Monday, January 30, 2012

Dead, Dead Pool

Well if your like me, you skipped over issue 49.1 of Dead Pool the Musical because 3.99 wasn't worth a dead end romp. It looks like the next issue is going to kickoff a series which detials the death of Deadpool. I'm sure the only thing that can kill any comic book character is poor comic sales. I'm a Dead Pool fan, but I have a feeling the series will get a reboot around the time the Dead Pool movie comes out. Well, what does Dp dying have to do with A VS X., if he's dead, he won't be around! Currently, he's a memebr of X-Force an X-MEN branch. If he's dead durring A VS X, that will be a total a cop out. April's a way off, so hopefully DP will be resurrected by then, and ready for battle.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Fight Card

Here I way in on some of the match ups, that's if the cover art releases are anywhere in the ballpark

Hulk Vs Emma Frost:

The Hulk will crush her into a million diamond pieces and then pawn her remains for a  couple million bucks

Thing Vs. Jugga-Colossus:

Colossus could compete with thing without being Jugga-Colossus. Metal Beats Rock. Jugga Colossus should really fight The Hulk.

Spiderman Vs. Iceman

Weak. Spiderman wins, he sells more comic books.

Spiderwoman Vs. Gambit

They'd make a better matchup for a porno, than a battle.

Luke Cage Vs. Beast

Beast is one smart Wookie, he's a freak'n genius. Opposite of his genius we have Luke Cage a product of the inner city school system....a failure

Iron Man Vs Magento

Really. Let's put the guy with Metal in his name against Magneto

Rogue Vs Ms. Marvel

It's like the mirror match portion of Mortal Combat....ehh might be good

Angel vs Daredevil

Daredevil wins in the popular vote

Thor Vs Storm

Thor...real god....Storm....fake god


This is a place wherre nerds can hash it out about this upcomming showdown!

I am not biased at all. Actually, I'm totallly biased, and my Xmen tattoos show that.

However, I'll try to call things like they are.